Friday 20 January 2012

Modern Dance's Principal Dancers - Ted Shawn

Edwin M. Shawn made his entry into the world on October 21, 1891 in Kansas City, Missouri. His father was an editor for the  Kansas City Star newspaper. His mother was a descendant of Edwin Booth, the famous American tragedian. On the paternal side Shawn was descended from a German revolutionist of 1848 who subsequently  immigrated to the United States to escape persecution.

Ted Shawn in Prometheus Bound, 1933
Photograph by Ralph Hawkins

When Ted Shawn was still a young boy tragedy struck when he lost his mother, brother and a favorite uncle to untimely deaths over an interval of two years. Shortly thereafter he moved with his father to Denver, Colorado where he would complete high school and enter the University of Colorado. He was preparing to enter the Christian ministry. During his third year at the university Shawn became gravely ill with diphtheria. During his long recovery, which included learning to walk again and strengthening his body, particularly his legs which had become lame, Shawn determined to become a dancer.

In 1912 Shawn moved to Los Angeles where he established his own modest school of dance. With a group of three other dancers Shawn led a small company which gave ensemble concerts and the occasional solo performance. He opened a dance school and soon afterward joined forces with Norma Gould with whom he made one of the first dance films, Dance of the Ages. Emboldened by his success, Shawn took his little company across the country in 1913-1914 on a tour of 19 towns and cities, culminating with performances in New York. Here he would meet Ruth St. Denis who became his dancing partner. They were married on August 13, 1914. Together they founded the Denishawn schools and the Denishawn dancers.

Last updated - 2006
Accessed - 20/01/2012

Ted Shawn Bio

1 comment:

  1. Ted was one of the first notable pioneers of Modern Dance. He married Ruth St.Denis and they made a dance company called Denishawn.
    He was the founder of Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival.
