Friday 3 February 2012

Mats Ek

Mats Ek - Cullberg Ballet
Revisionist Giselle(1945- )

The young Mats Ek did not particularly want to be a dancer. Instead, he took drama classes at Marieborg College in Norrkoping, Sweden, in 1965. He went on to produce plays and even worked with the legendary film and theatre director Ingmar Bergman during this time. However, his childhood ballet classes weren't completely lost on him.Ek was born in Malmo, Sweden. As the son of acclaimed choreographer Birgit Cullberg, dance was part of his life from the beginning. In his youth, Ek trained with Russian émigré Lilian Karina and later with Donya Feuer. After his foray into theatre, he joined the Cullberg Ballet in 1973 as a dancer, where he learned choreography from Maurice Béjart and Jirí Kylián.Ek choreographed several works over the next few years, including Saint George and the Dragon(1976) and Antigone (1979). In 1982, he reinterpreted the classic ballet Giselle and presented the public with a radically different work. Although other choreographers had revisited this classic, no one had ever altered the form and text upon which the ballet was founded. Ek's Giselle was a contemporary version that used almost nothing of the old ballet's structure, technique or style. Critics called it the beginning of a new epoch in dance.Ek became artistic director of the Cullberg Ballet in 1985. He produced more revisionist versions of classics, including Swan Lake (1987) and Carmen (1992). As well, he created his own works, which typically involve the use of parallel narratives and humour. In 1993, Ek resigned his post, but continued to create new works that are performed worldwide. Ek has created for the Hamburg Ballet, Nederlands Dans Theater, Paris Opera and Les Grands Ballet Canadien de Montréal. His ballets have been adapted for television.

Last Updated - 2012
Date Accessed - 03/02/2012
Meet The Artists, Arts Alive

In some of Ek's former choreographies, traditions of Kurt Jooss and of his mother, Birgit Cullberg may be apparent. He uses classical as well as modern dance techniques. Social engagement of psychological dilemmas combined with subtle humor, form the basis of his choreographies. For Ek, movement is a means of individual expression. Aesthetic value is not his first priority.

Date Accessed - 03/02/2012
Last Updated - 25th January 2012

1 comment:

  1. Mats Ek was born on 18th April 1945. His mother was a choreographer; Birgit Cullberg and his father was an actor so Mats already had a background and a stable platform to head into the performing arts industry. He became the manager of his mothers company - Cullberg Ballet. He managed to get into the performing arts industry quickly and easily because his family had a creative background.
    He studied dance in 1962 with Donya Feller. In 1966 - 1973 he worked as a stage director so therefore he entered the dance industry through his theatrical background. However in 1972, he returned back to dancing with the Cullberg Ballet after being a stage director. 1974-75 he became a member of Deutsche Oper am Rhein but a year later he made his choreographic debut for the Cullberg ballet. After his choreography was a success he then went on to choreograph independently.
    His dances are very dramatic along with being very characterized. Props, lighting, setting, costume etc. were very important to him as a choreographer as he used to train as a technician/stage director so you could see this in his work; he thought about everything himself.
