Thursday 15 March 2012


1 comment:

  1. As you can see from the first photo, in the starting section, Giselle is wearing a long pink floaty skirt with a burgundy jumper along with a black beret. This costume signifies that Giselle is a happy peasant girl who doesn't have a care in the world. Her costume is very free and feminine.

    The second photo shows the costume of Giselle when she goes into the mental institution. Her costume is made up of a white tunic with white leggings and a bandage round her head. The white of the costume represents that she is pure (continuing on with the idea from the Ballet Giselle). White represents purity. The head bandage signifies that she might have had surgery on her head as they are in a mental institution.

    The third photo Lloys and his footman. Lloys' suit is white and very posh quality. Where as his footman's costume is very standard. This represents the social hierarchy that is communicated throughout Giselle. Lloys can afford a rich white suit but his footman has a normal grey suit which is very 'rough and ready' un-buttoned with no tie.

    The fourth photo down shows the royal people's costume. Their costume consists of big heavy dresses for the women and tailored smart penguin jacket and suit trousers for the men. This shows that they can afford to have big fancy costumes compared to the peasant of Giselle who just has a standard skirt and jumper.

    The next photo shows the inmates costume and the back of Hilarion.Hilaron's suit is just a normal grey suit like the footman of Lloys. They can't afford better clothes like the royals so they just have normal suits. The inmates costume is the same as Giselle's in the mental institution of a white tunic which white tights/leggings. This suggests that they are all pure and are smimple.

    The last photo shows the costume of the villagers who are peasants like Giselle and Hilarion. The women wear long grey dresses with a head scarf and boots. The men wear unbuttoned black shirts with black long johns. This shows that they are also poor and can't afford what the royals have.
